Vietnam Power Market and Power Purchase Agreement (2015)
Pöyry Energy Ltd (a company incorporated in Thailand) is an international consulting and engineering company that serves clients globally across the energy, industry and infrastructure sectors: Hydropower, Renewable Energy, Thermal Power, Nuclear Energy, Transmission & Distribution, Energy Management Consulting. Vietnam MW (VMW) provides the Vietnamese electricity market consulting to Pöyry Energy Ltd, including:
- Power Market:
o Vietnam Power Market introduction
o VCGM market rules (Vietnam Competitive Generation Market – VCGM)
o Year ahead, month ahead, week ahead operation plan
o Day ahead, hour ahead schedule
o Real-time dispatch
o Ex-post calculation
o Settlement
o Strategies of power plants
- Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
o Ceiling price
o Calculation of PPA price: Model of hydro power plant and thermal power plant
o Power Purchase Agreement